Our Oil

[eltdf_section_title position=”center” title_tag=”” title_separator=”yes” title=”Tradition, wisdom and experience”]
[eltdf_image_with_text title_tag=”” image=”8479″ title=”A UNIQUE ENVIRONMENT” text=”The climate of the area, the height above sea level and our land make our Sierra a unique environment for obtaining the best extra virgin olive oil.”]
[eltdf_section_title position=”center” title_tag=”” title_separator=”yes” text_font_weight=”” title=”OUR REGION” text=”Oils produced in this beautiful place, that covers the mountain municipalities of Algodonales, Olvera, The Gastor, Setenil de las Bodegas, Puerto Serrano, Alcala del Valle, Alháquime Tower and Zahara de la Sierra, all of them from the province of Cádiz, in addition to the boundary terms of Pruna, Algámitas, Villanueva de San Juan and Coripe belonging to the province of Seville.”]
[eltdf_image_with_text title_tag=”” image=”8615″ text=”Only extra virgin olive oils that have previously been subjected to strict controls to verify their quality and origin are certified.” title=”GUARANTEED QUALITY”]
[eltdf_section_title position=”center” title_tag=”” title_separator=”yes” title=”An Extra Virgin with Character”]

La variety lechin, is the one that occupies practically the 50% of the cultivated area of ​​the olive grove that the Council protects. It is a vigorous variety, parasolated, resistant to repilo and suitable for very limestone soils like the ones in question. It is productive and early maturing. EThis is the flagship variety that will add more to these qualities of oils.
They are low tocopherol content oils, which compensates with a high content of polyphenols and provides us with a very stable oil with an E.R value.. of 72,4.

The value of K270 indicates a high quality oil with a significant bitter touch, 0,55 for value K225. It is an oil with personality that can improve those from other varieties. From a culinary point of view it is an oil that spreads a lot in the pan.

The varieties of olives existing in the area in order of importance are : Lechin, Picual, Verdial, Manzanillo, Hojiblanco, Almeño from Montilla, etc. In short, based on suckling pig oils, properly mixed with that from the other existing varieties, (hojiblanca, picual and chamomile), high quality oils are marketed with essentially differentiating characteristics.

The Regulatory Council guarantees the Origin and Quality of these oils; "Presenting characteristics" and irreproachable flavor typical of the Sierra de Cádiz region and which are qualified by experts as excellent. Medium to intense fruity aroma of green or ripe olives, reminiscent of fruits and wild aromas with a slightly bitter and spicy flavor resulting in the palate full of nuances and very balanced.

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[eltdf_icon_with_text icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon =”fa-map” title_tag=”” title_separator=”no” link=”https://www.dopsierradecadiz.com/oleocultura/” title=”Our land”]
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